5 Things I’m Loving, July 2021


Happy July. I hope you had a nice day celebrating the 4th with family and friends. It was so nice to celebrate together again this year. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind for us. I spent a long weekend in Palm Beach on a Lilly Pulitzer girls’ trip. We had a fabulous time. Stay tuned next week for a full recap on all of the fun and my Palm Beach recommendations. After I returned home, our son got married the following weekend. It was a lovely day full of family and friends together celebrating. That same weekend was Bob’s birthday and Father’s Day. July 2, I celebrated my 50th birthday. I think I need another vacation after all of this. Summer is by far my favorite season, and these are some of my favorites for summer.

Palm Beach. Like I mentioned before, it is an amazing place to visit. I stayed at The Brazilian Court, and the service was phenomenal. The resort is gorgeous, and you really get the feeling of being in your own private little villa. The staff was always helpful with a suggestion for things to do or to answer any questions. I already booked my return stay for next year. I recommend the book Palm Beach by Rick Rose. If you ever get a chance to attend one of his walking historical tours, do it. Palm Beach is so full of history.

I love exploring the little vias


Palm Beach by Rick Rose

Bobbi Brown Beach. I love summer scents, and one that smells like the beach is even better. It is one of those scents that just brings back memories of fun times at the beach. It has been my go-to scent for quite a long time. Honestly, it just smells like suntan lotion and beach. What could be better?

My go-to summer scent

Lilly Pulitzer dresses. It is hot here and dresses are the way to go. I prefer dresses year-round. Lilly has so many styles, cuts, and patterns to pick from. I live in them all summer. It’s just so easy. Throw on a cute dress, a few accessories, and a cute pair of sandals and off you go.

I live in Lilly Pulitzer dresses all summer

Bath and Body Works Suntan candle. Again, there is a pattern here. Another product that smells like the beach and suntan lotion. I buy three or four of these candles at a time because I go through them that fast. I try some of the other scents but always come back to this one.

My favorite summer candle

Frosted Mason Jar mug. I think this mason jar mug from Initial Outfitters is just the cutest thing to sip sweet tea from. These would be fun for a backyard barbeque, ladies’ garden party, or as a gift. There are many different designs available.

Frosted mason jar mug

These are just a few of my favorites for summer. I plan on enjoying all that summer has to offer because before you know it, winter will be here again.

Wishing you a wonderful week,


carrie kellyCarrie Kelly is an Interior Redesigner Industry Specialist and  Lead Designer at Carrie Kelly Designs specializing in interior redesign, seasonal, and home decor helping clients create beautiful spaces in their homes without the time and expense of a full remodel. She is also a Senior Outfitter with Initial Outfitters, a boutique featuring all things monogrammed and personalized for your unique style. Carrie is also the author of Pineapples and Sweet Tea, a Lifestyle blog, and co-author of the #1 best-selling book The Art of Connection.

Enjoy a free digital magazine, Summer is a State of Mind, 100 Tips for Enjoying Summer

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Being Happy Never Goes Out Of Style

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