It’s All About Halloween


October is here and that means it’s time to get the house decked out for Halloween. I have always loved Halloween. I remember growing up we had so much fun that night. All of the neighborhood kids would get together and Trick-Or-Treat. So much fun! When our son was younger the kids would have a great time hitting every house in our little town. Then they would spend the rest of the night trading candy. Here in the Midwest, we had many cold Halloween nights but that did not stop them!

My fall decor is done so I just needed to add a few things to spook up the place. As with all of my decor I focused on a few key areas of our home. The staircase is always a focal point because it is the first thing you see when you enter our home. I also have my front door open most of the time so the staircase is also seen when it is open. This spooky garland came from Target many years ago. It’s black netting full of lights. I added some bats and pumpkins hanging from it too. A quick way to add drama to the home. I love decorating the staircase each season. My fireplace and built-in shelves in our family room. A little garland, witch’s broom, little skulls, and a hurricane finished off the fireplace. On the shelving, I added witches, trays, and pumpkins. The dining room table look was finished off with skulls, scary words, and garlands. I sprinkled pumpkins that light up, skeletons, and garlands throughout the rest of the house. With the basic fall decor done, adding a few things in for Halloween is easy and I was finished in no time. Enjoy your fright night!

it's all about halloween

Until next week,


carrie kellyCarrie Kelly is an Interior Redesign Industry Specialist and  Lead Designer at Carrie Kelly Designs specializing in interior redesign, seasonal, and home decor helping clients create beautiful spaces in their homes without the time and expense of a full remodel. She is also a Personal Stylist with Initial Outfitters, a boutique featuring all things monogrammed and personalized for your unique style. Carrie is also the author of Pineapples and Sweet Tea, a Lifestyle blog, and co-author of the #1 best-selling book The Art of Connection.

You can find her at:

Being Happy Never Goes Out Of Style

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