New Adventure


Have you ever thought about doing something you have always wanted to do but unsure of yourself? All of this craziness of COVID made me stop and think about this. I love what I do with Initial Outfitters but wanted to do more. Ever since I was young I have always redecorated and designed for fun. I love to create new spaces and find new ways to repurpose what I have. This got me thinking, what could I do?

Design and decorate, it’s always been my passion. I decided to go back to school and take classes in Interior Redesign. I knew this was more for me, as I didn’t want to get into the architecture and reconstruction of spaces. After doing some research I decided to go through the online program through International Association of Professional Career College and complete the Interior Redesign program. I really worked and studied and completed the course with High Honors. Carrie Kelly Designs was created.

But now what, what is Interior Redesign? Interior Redesign is taking what you have and improving on it without the expense and time of a full remodel. It is really what I have always been doing, I do not enjoy the chaos of a remodel. A project that can be completed in a day, weekend or short amount of time is for me. Even just having a plan to do a project in stages is great. Sometimes you just need a fresh look at your space and move things around or repurpose what you already have. It’s amazing what a few changes can do to create a new look.

I am happy that I can incorporate my love of Initial Outfitters and their personalized pieces into my love of interior design. Carrie Kelly Designs has launched and I am so excited to help my clients create a new space that they will love for years to come. I am excited for this next adventure and what is to come. Is there anything you have been thinking about but haven’t had the courage to do yet? My advice is go for it. If you are passionate about something it will show to everyone. Take a chance. Anything is possible.